This unique program, Drama-Based Education: Training Teachers in Rwanda, focuses on conflict resolution, community building and identity exploration through drama-based education. Students will learn: communication, collaboration, compromise (choosing a theme), information and technology literacy (researching a theme), creativity and innovation (composing scenes), social, cultural, historical context (choosing performance style), productivity, accountability and self-direction (rehearsing and performing).
The Drama-Based Education: Training Teachers in Rwanda experience is offered through a partnership with the Buffalo State Anne Frank Project and the Global Engagement Institute (GEI). GEI provides high-impact, short-term, transformative programs in developing countries, which are meant to encourage global citizenship and "contribute to the personal and professional development of both international participants and their local counterparts."
Kigali, Rwanda, Africa (view map).
Storytelling is the universal vocabulary of the human race. The creation of drama uses the same process and skillset necessary to address conflict resolution, community building and the exploration of identity. While current education trends may provide knowledge of how systems operate, they do not teach tangible tools for navigating the complexities of students’ lives. Our drama-based curriculum offers students the vocabulary to tell their stories; thus they become advocates instead of bystanders in their lives and communities. We use a certified, proven and multi-disciplinary model that provides teachers with the necessary skills to improve their professional performance and enhance their students’ comprehension.
Study: THA470: Ensemble Theater
Travel: June (2+ weeks)
Overall estimate of approximately $4000 includes in-country arrangements made by GEI:
The estimate also includes: international transport (flights, airport taxes etc), visas, travel and medical insurance, alcoholic and additional non-alcoholic drinks, personal expenses and other extras.
Not included are certification costs at SUNY-Buffalo State ($5,000 organizational certification fee or $500 individual certification fee).
June 2018 (travel)
Visit the AFP website for more information or contact the program leaders.
Educators, students, administrators and professionals also from related disciplines (e.g. social work or conflict mediation) may be eligible to participate. In particular, faculty members interested in leading their own Rwanda delegation are encouraged to apply.
Email Drew Kahn or Eve Everette
Check out the participant blogs to learn more about this experience.
Buffalo State Anne Frank Project
AFP Dear Me Process - YouTube video describing Buffalo State's engagement in Rwanda
The New Times - Rwanda newspaper
Ghosts of Rwanda (full film) - documentary about the Rwanda genocide
Portraits of Reconciliation (NY Times) - photographs of Hutu perpetrators with the Tutsi survivor of his crime who granted him pardon
The program has 3 components:
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