posted April 1, 2014- written by Laura Anzalone
“I love being a teacher because I enjoy being able to mold the minds of future generations.”
McKenley’s journey to engage in personal development began through a recommendation to attend Buffalo State by her high school guidance counselor.
As a student in the early childhood education program, Breanna found that her professors at Buffalo State provide personal care and attention, expressing genuine concern for her future. While programs such as “Be a Hero, Be a Teacher,” have motivated her to become a more effective educator, prominent figures in McKenley’s life have increased her desires to make a difference in the lives of children and to have the fortune of watching and sharing with children as they learn new things.
As a student in the elementary education and reading department, McKenley was presented with a life changing opportunity to travel to Zambia, Africa with this program’s first cohort of students. Through this program, teacher candidates engage in a field experience module while abroad.
McKenley immersed herself in the culture and schools of Zambia and is confident that the experience further developed her already budding teaching skills. (Check out Breanna’s Zambia blog). Traveling with students equally as interested in worldwide encounters and working in international schools with few books or resources helped McKenley gain valuable and effective skills that will carry into her future as a teacher.
“It was in Zambia that I first learned the importance of multiculturalism in education,” she said.
Through all of her Buffalo State interactions and support McKenley’s desire to become an educational instructor has heightened. She relishes in the idea that perhaps she may teach abroad by joining the Peace Corp, impacting the lives of children around the world.
“If you want to follow your dreams, to make a difference and feel the impact on your life as well, then pursue any opportunity that is presented. Whether it is teaching, learning, tutoring or volunteering, Buffalo State can help to shape your teaching philosophies and provide you with the necessary tools to aid in your success as an educator, just as they did mine.”
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