posted March 17, 2015- written by Ashley Weselak, SOE Graduate Assistant
For Dale Pearce, graduate of the Career and Technical Education program, knowing that he was working for something tangible held value on many levels. In addition, timing is everything to Pearce, and he realized that his situation called for seizing the opportunity to study at Buffalo State!
As the Aquatics Manager at Buffalo State from 2010 to 2012, Pearce was entrusted with providing satisfactory services for campus students and staff, as well as for area community members. Accepting such a responsibility was by far one of Pearce’s most rewarding experiences, and the opportunity expanded the leadership skills he utilizes in his current career.
Pearce also benefited as an assistant coach for the swimming and diving teams. He found himself constantly surrounded by supportive colleagues, friends and athletes, and created lasting memories that helped to shape the man he is today. He recognizes his time with the students as rewarding and unforgettable and says, “To be able to guide a group of ‘blind’ student athletes down an unfamiliar path and lead them to a common goal is truly an honor.”
Attending Buffalo State supported Pearce's desire to earn a degree that would ultimately make him more marketable in education, but still leave room for personal enjoyment and accomplishments.
Pearce now works with students at Monroe Community College, preparing them for rewarding careers with just one year of coursework. When working with students, Pearce believes it is essential to consider the fact that everyone has unique values and a different home life. By accepting this reality Pearce is able to bond with his students and create mutual understandings.
Pearce doesn’t consider his work to be a job but rather a career, and a rewarding one at that. However; one the biggest challenges he has encountered is time management. Like many people, he works hard to find the proper balance between his personal life and his career. In order to combat this challenge Pearce sets goals that serve as his motivation. After each goal is accomplished he can take the time to step back and cherish the process that it took to get there. He believes each of us can experience this sense of reward through goal setting in some aspect of our life.
“There have been many pieces of the puzzle I have put together to form who I am. Some of these pieces are bigger than the other, not more important or better, just different shapes and sizes.”
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