The community of faculty and staff within the School of Education at Buffalo State is committed to the intellectual, personal and professional growth of future and practicing professionals in the field of education.
Transformative educational experiences frame our programs, engaging faculty, candidates and the learners they serve, schools, and industry and community partners to improve the quality of life for all.
We work collaboratively to ensure that graduates become inspired, reflective practitioners who possess the knowledge, skills and dispositions to model and promote a lifelong passion for learning; recognize the value of diversity; learn to implement inclusive pedagogies that celebrate the abilities of all individuals; and embrace the rich cultural heritages of the communities they serve.
School of Education Strategic Plan
Central to the mission of the School of Education at Buffalo State are the following:
Furthermore, the School of Education at Buffalo State is committed to ensuring that our graduates have the proclivity to:
1. Meet rigorous institutional, professional, and accreditation standards, especially related to:
2. Develop the skills, knowledge, self-confidence, and attitudes that will empower them to transform the lives of those they teach. Their influence will be measured through these individuals becoming:
3. Demonstrate respect for the worth of all individuals and an appreciation for their cultural, linguistic, experiential, and developmental backgrounds.
4. Contribute to the creation of deliberative democratic dialogue and engage in intellectual discussion in the classroom, community, and in policy arenas at all levels.
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